Longer. Harder. Louder.

The BoneBat Show
Gord                        Steve

A quarter century in the making, The BoneBat Show is a tri-weekly joint project from the creators of Bonehand.com and Mightywombat.com,
and is an audio collection of the intermittantly hilarious,profanity laden musings, declarations and arguments of longtime friends Steve and Gord,
set to original, funky beats, and converted to zeros and ones for your listening pleasure. Please enjoy responsibly.
WARNING:  BoneBat consists almost entirely of adult language and juvenile content, and as such should not be listened to by: children, adults, the elderly, anyone who is pregnant or thinking of becoming
pregnant, anyone who is having sex right at this moment, the capriciously litigious, the humor-impaired, our mothers, pigeons, chickens, ducks, or turkeys, costumeless-high-school-age-trick-or-treaters, rats,
former employers, parents, telekenesists, little people, the blind, people who taunt wild animals, the French, crocheters, rapelling sommeliers, dead cats, customer service professionals, clowns, Julie's Dad,
PDF's, GRRM, our children, Gord's Mother-In-Law,  residents of West Virginia, rude kids, dead seals, philatilists, women, frogs, the developmentally disabled, Cincinatti drivers, or anyone with a modicum
of good taste, sense, and/or dignity. Listener discretion strongly advised. You have been warned. Don't come bitching to us later.


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"Comic-Con-Clusion!" - posted 08/09/09


This Episode: Steve and Gord return with part 2 of their coverage from San Diego
Comic-Con 2009
, and it's all about the video games as they touch base with Dave
Grossman of Telltale Games regarding Tales of Monkey Island; chat with Dan Paladin
and Tom Fulp about Game 3
from The Behemoth, and discuss Left 4 Dead 2 with
Chet Faliszek; while powered up with the 8-bit backing of Barefoot Barnacle!
All this plus "What Pisses Us Off " and another round of Filthy Jokes are up in
30 of The BoneBat Show!

Game 3

For more info on Comic-Con 2009, head to their site HERE. For more pix, get thee to the Flickr page!   

Episode Thirty Music:
This episode features the click tracks that will form the foundation of the forthcoming CD from Barefoot Barnacle.
The titles in order are :
"The Beauty of Bestiality", "Beer and Lotion", "Comments from the Peanut Gallery", "Sea Enemy",
"Severe Anal Regurgitation" and "Urine Feces", then we hit replay before closing out on "Beauty".

All music in Episode 30 performed by Barefoot Barnacle, used courtesy of Jorge and their own bad selves. Check
'em out at their MySpace HERE, or click the image below, and watch this space for news of their impending CD!
Be like Steve and Gord, and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!      

Tank Music was created by Xenogenocide, Check it out HERE.
Credits to Valve/Turtle Rock Studios for the original track.

                     Barnacle Banner

Click the links below for more info on this episode's awesome interview guests!


The Behemoth   Newgrounds   Tales of Monkey Island      Left 4 Dead 2
Also! GI Joe: Rise of Cobra    Dante's Inferno      Castle Crashers     Alien Hominid



"Comic-Con-Cussion!" - posted 08/02/09

This Episode: Steve and Gord descend upon San Diego for Comic-Con 2009, and
YOU ARE THERE! PONDER as Steve and Gord interview Doug TenNaple, author
of the comics Creature Tech and Power Up, and creator of the game Earthworm Jim!
LEARN Walking Dead auteur Robert Kirkman's upcoming plans as you bask in the glory
of a poorly recorded panel! LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF five seconds at a time, thanks to
the fine folks at 5secondfilms.com! ROCK VICARIOUSLY to the unparalleled nerdcore
flow of MC Frontalot, YTCracker and MC Lars in a recap of Aftercon '09! ENVY as
G&S cavort with smoking hot booth babes! All this and more, washed down with an icy
cold flagon of metal from Salem OR's own Dusks Embrace, is on tap for your sheer
listening enjoyment
in episode 29 of The BoneBat Show! Excelsior!

Gord & Steve @ Comic-Con!

For more info on Comic-Con 2009, head to their site HERE. For more pix, get thee to the Flickr page!   

Episode Twenty Nine Music:
We kick the show off with "Paradigm Shift", the title track off the debut CD from Dusk's Embrace. This is followed
by "Ragnarok",
"Failure Within", Deperate Solitude", "Hollow Thoughts" and "Counting the Rosaries", and this
episode's featured cut "Reality's Thorn".  Next up, it's "A Dark Revelation", "Reverie", "Forever Morphing",
"Closure", "Shadows in the Mist" and "Amongst the Fallen Ruins", before we close out by revisiting "Paradigm Shift".

All music in Episode 29 performed by Dusk's Embrace, taken from the CD Paradigm Shift, and used courtesy of Josh
and their own bad selves. Check 'em out at their MySpace HERE, or click the image below to purchase Paradigm Shift
Be like Steve and Gord, and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!      

                     Dusks Embrace
Click these links for more info on this episodes incredible guests and shout-outs!

Inteviews and Panels!   
Doug TenNapel      Robert Kirkman      5 Second Films
From Aftercon '09!   MC Frontalot    YTCracker    MC Lars   Cyanide and Happiness
Also! Blackest Night at DC  Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal  Spike & Mike   Dr. Tran!



"Burning Sensation!" - posted 07/05/09
 Burning of I LIVE! 

This Episode: Steve and Gord are joined in studio by Duvall WA's own Burning of I,
who premiere 3 scorching new slabs of twisted metal from their forthcoming release
Nowhere is a Destination for your listening pleasure, jump in head first for a round
of beers, Filthy Jokes and "What Pisses Us Off", and listen intently as Steve and Gord
extol the virtues of Voivod's Infini, the Ghostbusters video game and the BBC
America show Top Gear in Multimedia Triage! Finally, Steve and family hit Fremont
for the "Red White and Dead" zombie walk, and YOU ARE THERE! You'd have to
be lacking a pulse to miss Episode 28 of The BoneBat Show!  

                      You Killed Steve

Episode Twenty Eight Music:

"TK1" from the forthcoming CD Nowhere is a Destination opens and closes the show, followed by "Slimpleton",
"A Shaky Declaration"and "Party Charge" from the 2006 EP A Small Little Shack in a Great Big Wet Messy
which can be downloaded for free HERE. This is followed by the featured cut, 'Three Sheets to the Trim",
also from Nowhere. Then we returrn to A Small Little Shack... for "AloeVera" and "Nougat".
Our second
featured cut is "Norway 1993", also from
Nowhere is a Destination. Next up "Thirty Stairs" and "Machete Suppository"
which can also be downloaded gratis from Burning of I's offical site HERE: Then we revisit
"Slimpleton" and
"Party Charge"
before we come full circle with "TK1".

All music in episode 28 by Burning of I, used courtesy of their own bad selves. Check out the band at burningofI.com
HERE , at their MySpace HERE.  Or by clicking the banner below
.  Watch this space for  purchasing info for
Nowhere is a Destination, or join BoI at Pete's Bar and Grill in Carnation on August 7th for their cd release party!
Be like Steve and Gord, and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!      




"Two Pantfuls of Terror!" - posted 06/14/09

This Episode: Steve enters the creepy old house alone, to present complete coverage of
Crypticon 2009, live from Seattle! Highlights include greetings from Dawn of The Dead
star Ken Foree and Troma studio head Lloyd Kaufman; interviews with actor Tom
of Night of the Creeps and Hack/Slash creator Tim Seeley; a lengthy sitdown
with creature actor extraordinaire Doug Jones of Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth fame;
and an official review of the Norwegian Nazi Zombie cinematic epic Dead Snow!
Is that it? Not even close! Brother D of Mail Order Zombie drops in for a con
postgame conversation, Seattle's Barefoot Barnacle make with their brand of musical
metallic madness, and the ever-stalwart Gord stands by with the shotgun for snappy
comebacks, Filthy Jokes and a round of What Pisses Us Off! For those counting, this
marks our first ever shows in back-to-back weeks, so do not miss the foul horror that
is episode 27 of The BoneBat Show!  

Crypticon 2009

For more info on Crypticon 2009, head to their site HERE. For further coverage, go to Seattle-Geekly!   

Episode Twenty Seven Music:
In order: The madness begins with Bonehand fave "Beer and Lotion", followed by "Sea Enemy", "The Beauty of
Bestiality", prime featured cut "Urine Feces, "Severe Anal Regurgitation", Kattywhompus","Mike The Headless
Chicken", "Pubic Pig Tales", and "Comments from the Peanut Gallery", before we return to the "Beer and Lotion"
from whence we came.

Barefoot Barnacle

All music in Episode 27 performed by Barefoot Barnacle, used courtesy of Jorge and their own bad selves. Check
'em out at their MySpace HERE, or click the image below, and watch this space for news of their impending CD!
Be like Steve and Gord, and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!      

Check out the following links for more info on this week's many incredible guests!
Ken Foree              Lloyd Kaufman and Troma Films              The Doug Jones Experience
Tom Atkins           Tim Seeley and Hack/Slash at Devil's Due               Mail Order Zombie

Bonehand and Brother D, 2009 bitches!
Bonehand and Brother D lookin' to kick some zombie ass at Crypticon 2009. Photo courtesy of the Night Zero graphic novel avail at Nightzero.com

Zombie Movie
from 2Chums can be downloaded HERE off of Steam!



"Dine Hard! - posted 06/07/09

This Episode: Steve, Gord and special guest Julie talk about food and drink too much
beer, all while skanking to the beat of St. Louis Ska kings MU330! Hungry for more?
How about a full plate of What Pisses Us Off, a heaping helping of Multimedia Triage,
a side of listener feedback, and a fresh batch of Filthy Jokes? And to top things off, for
dessert Steve and Gord interview Josh Eisenstadt, Director of the new to DVD film
release Dark Reel! It's a full-on feast for the ears in episode 26 of The BoneBat Show!  

Want to discuss this Episode? Join the BoneBat Forum today!             

Episode Twenty Six Music:
In order: the show begins and ends with the BRILLIANT"Hoosier Love", before we continue our run through the
band's 1994 deput Press with "Fleeba",
"Bagelbird", "Spilled My Drink", "Press", "Didgits", "Danska", "Captain"
and "Safety Boots". We jump to 1996's Chumps On Parade for our first song break with "Fried Chicken", before
returning to close out Press with "Kong" and "Fist Fulla Nuts". Then we hit Chumps hard with
"Wide Awake",
"State o Mind", "Fat and Married", "Curse", "Since
the Short-Long's Gone", "LA", "Rok", and "Get Away from
That Table
", before returning to Press for our second tune break "Stuff". Then it's all Chumps til the end with
"Johnny Dumbjokes", "Hang Tuff, Hold Tight", "Cursed Again", "So Far" and "

All music in Episode 26 performed by MU330, used courtesy of Ted Moll and their own bad selves. Pick up their
cd's at the bands official source at www.MU330.com HERE , check 'em out at their MySpace HERE, or click the
image below to purchase
their stuff  direct from downloadpunk.com! Be like Steve and Gord, and

MU330 Band!

Click HERE to check out the official site for Josh Eisenstadt's film Dark Reel, or click the image below
to purchase a copy on DVD!

Dark Reel



"Awkward!" - posted 05/17/09

Steve and Gord

This Episode:
Steve and Gord recall golden moments of personal awkwardness
and social retardation, while singing the praises of the terminally funky Lefties
Connection! But that's not all! Gord gets deep on the concept of the Credit
Default Swap in his nameless political rant, Steve gushes all over the new Star
Trek Movie in Multimedia Triage, awesome voicemails are aired, and the usual
"What Pisses Us Off" and Filthy Jokes are on display in Episode 25 of The
BoneBat Show!  

Episode Twenty Five Music:
In order: "Fais Do-Do" from 2007's Skimming The Skum opens and closes the show, followed by
“Paul Newman”, “Get Back (Drum & Clap)”, “Loose Change”, “12 Inch Rims”, “Skimming The Skum”, 
“Chop It!", “Freaky Frankie”, and " The Chank"
from the same release.
Our featured cut this week is
the amazing latest single and Sonics cover "Have Love Will Travel, now available through Itunes.
We return to
Skimming The Skum for “Funky Chick”, “Move What You Got”, and “Sling Shot Pt.2”,
before we dig deep into the 2006 CD Hutspot
for the cuts “Doin' The Thing”, “Sling Shot”, “Peacock
Strut”, “V2”, “Bouncing Ball”, “Generator Oil”, “Bam Bam”, “Welly Wanging” , “Hutspot”, and “Organ
Donor”. Then we revisit "Fais Do-Do" to close things out.

All music in Episode 25 performed by Lefties Soul Connection, used courtesy of their own bad selves. Check
out the band at www.leftiessoulconnection.com HERE , or at their MySpace HERE.  Or click the Image below
Be like Steve and Gord, and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!      

Lefties Soul Connection


"The BoneBat Guide to Life" - posted 04/26/09
This Episode: Steve and Gord share a few of their philosophies on life, backed by the
sonic badassery of New York garage rock legends The Fuzztones! Additionally, Gord
lays out his latest get rich quick scheme in sticky, graphic detail and institutes a
banking bailout of his own; The boys share even more filthy jokes and things that piss
them off; Vaughn of MPM fires back via voicemail, and Quantum of Solace,
Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan's forthcoming novel The Strain, Christopher
Moore's book A Dirty Job and new CD Supersuckers XX all get reviewed in
Multimedia Triage! DO NOT miss Episode 24 of The BoneBat Show!  


The Fuzztones!

Episode Twenty Four Music:
In order: "Strychnine" from 1986's incredible Lysergic Emanations (BUY!)opens and closes the show, followed by
"1-2-5", " Gotta Get Some", "Journey to Tyme", Ward 81", "Radar Eyes", "Highway 69", and "She's Wicked"
from the same album. Our first musical break features "Gardens of My Mind" from 2009's Horny As Hell,
before we grab one last track from
Lysergic Emanations with The Sonics cover "Cinderella". Next we visit
the 1989 rareties compilation The Creatures That Time Forgot
(BUY!) for the bands first ever single "Bad News
Travels Fast", "Brand New Man" and The Sonics "The Witch". Our second featured tune is the '09 remake
of  She's Wicked, also off
Horny As Hell, followed by "99th Floor" and "Green Slime" from Creatures
we jump to latest release Horny As Hell (BUY!) for the tunes "Brand New Man",  "Third Times
The Charm", "I Never Knew", "Yeah Babe", and
"Johnson in a Headlock", before closing the show with
"Jack The Ripper", "Cellar Dweller", " Goin' to a Graveyard" and The Fuzztones take on Roky Erickson's
"Night of the Vampire" from their 1992 effort Monster A-Go-Go
. (BUY!)

All music in Episode 24 performed by The Fuzztones, used courtesy of Rudi Protrudi and their own bad
selves. Check out the band at Fuzztones.net HERE , or at their MySpace HERE.  Or click the Image below
Be like Steve and Gord, and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!      

                         Lysergic Emanations

Click HERE to check out the amazing Night Of The Living Podcast!



"Disappointed!" - posted 04/05/09
Mustard Plug  

This Episode: Steve and Gord get pissed off about oil changes and bad movie seats,
discuss how far they could trust their clones, and catalog a metric ton of disappointment,
coming through virtually unscathed thanks to the sensational sounds of Midwestern
super Ska masters Mustard Plug! Additionally, Gord whacks politically, Steve reviews
the new Grindhouse Releasing DVD of Lucio Fulci’s “Cat In The Brain” for Multimedia
Triage, a new Mustard Plug single is unveiled, and The BoneBat Filthy Joke Contest is
brought to a Happy Ending in Episode 23 of The BoneBat Show!  

Episode Twenty Three Music:
In order: "Mister Smiley" from the amazing Big Daddy Multitude opens and closes the show, followed by
"We Want The Mustard" and "Butcher's Mop" from Skapacolypse Now
(BUY!).. Then it's back to Big Daddy
for "Skank by Numbers", "Too Stoopid", "Dysfunktional", "Alone", "Summertime", "Brain on Ska",
and "Insomnia".
(BUY!)Next up, we unveil our first featured track, the brand new "Waiting Room" single,
a cover from Ian MacKaye's Fugazi. This is followed by Mustard Plug's take on "The Freshman" by the Verve
, B-side from the "You" single, as well as "Mendoza", "Go" , and "Miss Michigan", all from Evildoers
(BUY!). Our second featured cut is "Thigh High Nylons", again from Big Daddy Multitude, followed
by "You" and "Beer Song" from Evildoers. Then we jump to Pray For Mojo
(BUY!) with the tunes  "Send You
Back", "Everything Girl","Away from Here",
"Yesterday" and "We're Gunna take On The World". Then it's on
to "Not Enough", "The Park"
, "Already Gone", "Safe" and "Over The Edgefrom Yellow Number 5  (BUY!) ,
before we close out with "Hit Me! Hit Me!", "Copasetic", and "On and On" from their latest release, 2007's
In Black and White

All music in episode 23 by Mustard Plug, used courtesy of Hopeless Records, Jim Hofer, and their own bad
selves. Check out the band at mustardplug.com HERE , at their MySpace HERE.  Better yet,
to go to
InterPunk.com, and set yourself up with a couple of their incredible CD's. To purchase digital songs/albums,
go to DownloadPunk.com. To purchase the new Big Daddy Multitude on vinyl, go to Asbestos Records

Mustard Plug's new DVD, Never Get Out Of The Van can also be purchased HERE,
or at InterPunk.com, or
at a store near you on 5/19!

Or click the image below to go straight to Mustard Plug's Merch page! Be like Steve and Gord, and SUPPORT

mp logo            

Click HERE to purchase a copy of Lucio Fulci's "Cat In The Brain", the latest DVD from Grindhouse



"Hole-istic!" - posted 03/15/09

This Episode: Steve and Gord dive brainfirst into the musical madness of Texan
rock legends The Butthole Surfers! Along the way they rant about the housing
teach little kids how to swear, review "The Watchmen", spew a few more
Filthy Jokes, kick off a related new contest, and air a guest "What Pisses Us Off"
from Motion Picture Massacre's Vaughn K! So what are you waiting for?

Episode Twenty Two Music:
In order: "Sweat Loaf" from the epic Locust Abortion Technician opens and closes the episode, followed by
"Bar-B-Que Pope" and "Something" from Butthole Surfers; "Hey" and "Cowboy Bob" from Live PCPPEP

; "Dum Dum", "Woly Boly","Butthole Surfers" and "Lady Sniff" from Psychic Powerless Another
Man's Sac
. Featured tune "Human Cannonball" was also taken from Locust Abortion Technician , as was
succeding tunes
"USSA", "The O-Men", "Kuntz” and "Graveyard". This is followed by "Creep In the Celler"
and "Moving To  Florida" from Rembrandt Pussyhorse/Creamed Corn from The Socket of Davis 
, "Jimi",
taken from the 1991 release Hairway To Steven , and "The Bong Song" from 1983's Widowermaker EP, which
is included on the Latino Buggerveil reissue of Piouhgd.

All music by the Butthole Surfers, used courtesy of Latino Buggerveil Records, King Coffey, and their own bad
selves. Check out the band at ButtholeSurfers.Com HERE , at their MySpace HERE.  Better yet, click the image
below to purchase CDs direct from the band! Be like Steve and Gord, and SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MUSIC!




"If You Want PUD...You Got It!" - posted 02/22/09

Hey Picasso!

This Episode: Backed by the incredible music of LA punk legends The Dickies, and
a helping hand from Skamama,
Steve and Gord shoot off a glorious celebration of that
which makes a man a man; taking a good hard look at weak pickles, bicycle race short
comings, frozen phallic art, and a huge wad of The Dickies band history! This plus a
stiff segment of
"What Pisses Us Off", a fresh round of Multimedia Triage, and a full
12 inches of filthy jokes are jammed in your ears in episode 21 of The BoneBat Show!  

The Dickies Live!
Stan Lee, Leonard Graves Phillips, Greg "Plushie" Hannah, & Little Dave Teague of The Dickies, Live at House of Blues, 5/19/08. Photo by The Dickies.   

Episode Twenty One Music:
In order: "Stukas over Disneyland" opens and closes the proceedings, followed by "Give It Back", "Poodle Party", "She's A
Hunchback", "Walk Like An Egg", "Bowling with Bedrock Barney", "Manny , Moe and Jack", "Gigantor"; the same setlist
as seen by Steve in Gord in 1985 on the "
MTV Saturday Night Concert: A Journey Into The L.A. Underground”. Then we have
"Banana Splits", "Paranoid", "Eve of Destruction", taken from the 1979 release The Incredible Shrinking Dickies (BUY!),
"If  Stuart Could Talk" from 1983's Stukas Over Disneyland, and "Killer Clowns from Outer Space" and "Booby Trap"
from the 1988 Killer Klowns EP. Then we alternate with "Monster Island" from 1989's Second Coming, "Magoomba' from
the KK EP, "Cross Eyed Tammy" from Second Coming,back the the EP for "Jim Bowie", and finally "Hair" from Second
all of which can be found on the Captian Oi! edition of the latter (BUY!)Next it's back to
from 1983's Stukas Over
, (BUY!) for
"Pretty Please Me", "Wagon Train " and "Outta Site Outta Mind", before we close things out with
"Fan Mail", "Stuck in a Pagoda (With Tricia Toyota)", "Attack of the Mole Men" and "Infidel Zombie" from 179's Dawn
of The Dickies, get yours HERE.

Shrinking  Dawn  Stukas  Klowns  Coming

All music by The Dickies, used courtesy of Stan Lee and their own bad selves. Check out the band at TheDickies.Com
HERE , at their MySpace HERE. Better yet, click the images above to buy their CDs from Captain Oi! LINK!

Additional soundbites taken from The "Hamstergeddon" episode of
Jhonen Vasquez' amazing Invader Zim.

Julie's new book UNCOMMON CROCHET is NOW on sale, and can be purchased  here at
Powell's.com, or at finer bookshops everywhere. You can also find her chillin' at Skamama.com.



BoneBat 1-10    BoneBat 11-20    BoneBat 21-30    BoneBat 31-40    
BoneBat 41-50
                                                 BoneBat 51-60

The BoneBat Show is Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by G J Caulkins and S J Holetz. All rights reserved.

All music contained within BoneBat is original and copyright of the artist. 


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